Butterfly Arts, Services & Training


Mike teaches a unique version of traditional Usui Reiki Ryoho which he has been developing and refining since 1997, the Butterfly Reiki System (BRS). The BRS is based upon Mike’s studies of a wide variety of reiki and related arts with specific input and guidance from the famous Dr. Maung Gyi, Founder and Chief Instructor/Grandmaster of the American Bando Association. The BRS is described in great depth and detail in Mike's books on reiki healing arts. The BRS is based upon the traditional Usui Reiki Ryoho elements known as the “7 Jewels of Reiki,” and contains many unique features, emphasizing COMPASSION as the central force of all reiki healing. Click HERE for an article on the symbols of the Butterfly Reiki System and HERE for Mike’s background and lineage in Reiki Healing Arts.
Please see the Integrative Health Options page and click HERE for some great information on the benefits of Reiki Healing Arts from the famous Cleveland Clinic.
All levels of classes are available- Shoden, Chuden, Okuden, Shinpiden- as well up-training for current Reiki Practitioners in the form of “Min Zin Reiki” classes or Personal Training and Japanese Reiki Methods.
See the Class Calendar and Events/Classes pages for scheduled classes and contact Mike to setup your own class or for your group/organization.
Reiki Healing Sessions
Contact Mike for 30 minute or 1 hour Reiki Healing Sessions at our Reiki Dojo or your location (in person or remote) in order to RELAX, RE-BALANCE AND RECHARGE WITH REIKI.
“Unity of self through harmony and balance,” O-Sensei Mikao Usui, Founder of Usui Reiki Ryoho.
Mike’s Guest Editorial in “Massage Magazine” on reiki, 2006.
Mike’s swipe badge as part of the First Class of credentialed INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE CONSULTANT’S issued via St. Francis Hospital and Medical System, which serves millions in the Hartford, CT region (late 1990’s). Mike has worked with Reiki, QiGong and Nei Gong, Tai Chi and other special natural, inner healing methods for decades now in numerous professional, special needs and sensitive settings, as well as with many thousands of “regular people” of all ages.
Mike goofing around with Rainbow Reiki Founder, the inimitable Walter Luebck, in beautiful “Old Wetherfield,” CT, Mike’s hometown.
Butterfly Tai Chi Training
The Butterfly Tai Chi System is a unique system of traditional t'ai chi ch'uan and internal martial arts. The main body of curricula is the White Lotus T'ai Chi/Internal Arts system Sifu Mike learned from his teacher, White Lotus Headmaster Lao Shr Tao Chi Li; along with elements he has learned from his studies with many other t'ai chi and martial art experts, including methods he has created based upon these studies. He offers a full curriculum of traditional T'ai Chi arts: concepts, principles, philosophy, jiben gong, T'ai Chi qigong, wellness qigong, nei gong, forms study, tui shou and san shou, weapons, and more.
Click HERE for more information from the Mayo Clinic on the benefits of learning Tai Chi and HERE to watch a video for more on the health benefits of Tai Chi and QiGong. See also the Integrative Health Options page for more specialized info. on the health benefits and applications of the arts and HERE to see a clip of Mike demoing Tai Chi Self Defense Applications at Expo10 in Atlantic City.
Sifu Mike has close to 40 years of experience learning and teaching T’ai Chi to people of all ages and socio/ economic backgrounds in many, many locations beyond the kwoon, including extensive work with special needs groups of all kinds. He earned and was accepted and empowered by his teacher as a Sifu and lineage disciple over 30 years ago now (his lineage name is Dao Chan I).
See the Class Schedule and Events/Classes pages and contact Sifu Mike about personal training and/or seminars/workshops for you or your group.
“Waving Hands in the Clouds,” White Lotus Yang style Tai Chi.
Shaolin 5 Form Fist Kung Fu
Bai Lien Shaolin Wu Xing Quan Fa (White Lotus Shaolin Five Form Fist Kung Fu System) is a huge and comprehensive system of Internal and External styles, various Animal Style Xing, Northern and Southern Chinese styles, including Weapons, Chin-na and Grappling. This traditional system is detailed in Sifu Mike's book on the rare Shaolin Butterfly Style. Sifu Mike learned for many years directly from the Headmaster of the system, his teacher Lao Shr Tao Chi Li, assisting in teaching and running the school for years; eventually serving as owner and Chief Instructor under the Headmaster’s guidance for 7 years. The main lineage of this system is via Shaolin GM Wu Jen Dai and famous GM, Dr. Daniel K. Pai; as well as other top experts of Chinese Koushu, Shaolin, Kung Fu, Tai Chi and related arts.
See Class Schedule and Events/Classes pages and contact Sifu Mike about personal training/seminars/workshops for you or your group.
Butterfly QiGong, Min Zin & Meditation Training
Traditional health exercises, concepts and methods for Spirit, Mind and Body. This system contains complete curricula based upon Sifu Mike's lifetime of study of these arts. Methods and curricula are based upon various Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Tibetan, Burmese and other methods which Mike has studied and learned from a multitude of top world level teachers and leaders, applications include: HEALTH, HEALING, LONGEVITY, MARTIAL ARTS, AND PERSONAL AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH AND TRANSFORMATION.
Click Here to read about the Level One Min Zin Reiki Class and HERE to read an article by Mike on REIKI AND QIGONG from the “Empty Vessel” magazine; and click HERE to see a video of Mike sharing a simple, natural form of Shaolin QiGong which promotes health, vitality, stress relief, and opening the mind’s eye (upper and lower dan tien). For a CLIP of Shaolin Butterfly Qigong click here.
Mike has decades of extensive, real world successful experience integrating his arts into numerous professional and medical settings, including: as part of the first class of licensed Integrative Medicine Consultants credentialed via a large hospital and medical system serving millions in the Central CT region, the state prison system, the state community college system, lock-down psych and neuro-behavioral units, the Arthritis Foundation, ABI/TBI, COPD, MS Society, spiritual retreats, and many other special needs groups and settings.
See the Class Calendar and Classes/Events pages for training in these arts, and contact Mike for Personal Training and/or Seminars/Workshops for you or your group.
Filipino Martial Arts
Sifu Mike has over 30 years of experience in FMA, learning from top experts such as Supreme Tuhon Leo T. Gaje, Jr., Tuhon William McGrath, and Lao Shr Tao Chi Li (along with self study of many others). His teacher taught his own style of kali which was primarily composed of the pekiti-tirsia kali as he learned it from his training under Supreme Tuhon Leo T. Gaje, Jr., Tuhon William McGrath and others; as well as elements he learned from his studies with other top experts of FMA, such as the famous Guro Dan Inosanto. Sifu Mike is experienced with all of the main elements of Kali/ FMA, from basics and footwork, to single stick/ sword, double stick/ sword, single knife, double knife, sword and knife, and empty hands.
Click HERE for some great information on Kali/Arnis/Eskrima/FMA.
See the Class Calendar and Events/Classes pages for classes and contact Sifu Mike for personal training and/or seminars/workshops for you or your group.
Sifu Mike with Grandmaster, Dr. Maung Gyi, Tuhon Bill McGrath and students the day Sifu Mike met the great-grandmaster. Tuhon McGrath hosted him in upstate New York circa 2000 for a special seminar in the United Nations Korean Conflict Baton System- yes Dr. Gyi was a U.N. Peacekeeper, first class, and has preserved the entire curriculum they used to keep the peace in Korea at the end of the fighting between North and South (1950’s). An incredible day.