Standing: GM George Dillman (L), great teacher of the Ryu Kyu Kempo arts and American pioneer, and SGM Ed Parker, Sr. Founder of American Kenpo and very famous in world and American martial arts history; kneeling in front is famous grandmaster Dr. Daniel K. Pai, Founder of Pai Lum (and Mr. Parker’s cousin and my teachers’ main teacher), one of the leading driving forces behind the integration of Asian martial arts East/West…this rare photo was taken just before they drove to the airport to pick up the “Little Dragon” Bruce Lee who electrified the world with his amazing demonstrations of speed and power and concepts regarding martial arts training and application at SGM Parker’s Long Beach International Tournament, 1964, and was introduced to Hollywood and the world stage subsequently. Great thanks to GM Dillman for sharing this photo, which is featured in Mike’s book on rare Shaolin Butterfly Style.
Sifu Mike’s teacher, Lao Shr Tao Chi Li, with Supreme Tuhon Leo T. Gaje, head of the pekiti-tirsia kali system and a very famous world pioneer in Fiilipino martial arts and edged weapon combatives- especially in integrating FMA and applications for military, special forces, and police/security. From the brochure for my teachers school, then known as the White Lotus Kung Fu Center, in West Hartford, CT back when I began training (mid 1980’s).
Sifu Mike with his teacher Lao Shr Tao Chi Li and famous grandmaster Dr. Maung Gyi, Founder of the American Bando Association and perhaps the worlds leading living authority on Asian martial, meditative, yogic and healing arts. From a banquet held in Dr. Gyi’s honor after one if his visits, circa 2004 in West Hartford, CT.
The incomparable “Little Dragon” Sijo Bruce Lee, this is a signed copy he gave to his old Wing Chun Club in Hong Kong of a still from his classic “Enter The Dragon;” many thanks to Sifu H.K. Chan of Hong Kong for sharing this on one of his visits to teach at Sifu Mike’s old school, White Lotus Martial Arts Center, est. 1977 in West Hartford, CT….before switching to the Hong Kong Yang Family Tai Chi System Sifu Chan had been a member of Sijo Lee’s Wing Chun Club/ School and learned from the famous GM Wong Shun-leung who tutored the “Little Dragon” in street fighting and challenge matches (they were both students of the famous GM Yip Man).
Another great signed still (copy) of the late, great Bruce Lee in action from his classic, “Enter The Dragon.” After seeing this movie from the backseat of his parents car at the drive-in theater in 1973 at age 9, Sifu Mike was, like so many others, inspired to pursue training in the arts one way or another- beginning with self study from whatever books he could find back then and tv and movies- anything and everything, boxing to pro wrestling, karate to kung fu, meditation to healing arts…culminating with his meeting his great teacher (by “chance”), Lao Shr Tao, a truly unforgettable encounter.
“The Old Man Points the Way,” Dr. Gyi sharing his wisdom at Sifu Mike’s old school, White Lotus Martial Arts Center, est. 1977, in West Hartford, CT, circa 2002.