The “Three Treasures of Shaolin,” the Three Jewels of the Shaolin Teachings. Chinese/Natural Medicine and Healing Methods are included in the “Shaolin Qigong” pathway as it is the most inclusive term to cover a multitude of healing arts and paths. Click HERE for a blog on the Way of Shaolin.
Venerable Bodhidharma, known to the Chinese as Tamo. He was the Buddhist Patriarch who traveled to China to teach Buddhism at the Chinese Emperor’s invitation, eventually he settled at the Shaolin Temple and the rest is history. Hugely influential in world history and culture well beyond Chinese Martial Arts, a true spiritual giant. What we now know as “Zen Buddhism,” Chan in Chinese, was revealed by him at Shaolin, amituofo. For much more on this seminal figure see the books on Shaolin by Wong Kiew Kit, and Sifu Mike’s BOOK on rare Shaolin Butterfly Style.
Sifu Mike’s book on this rare Shaolin style and Chinese Martial Arts in general.