SHIHAN CHUJIRO HAYASHI, the great Reiki Pioneer and Innovator.
Shihan Chujiro Hayashi was one of Reiki Founder Mikao Usui’s last but most notable Reiki Shihan (full Chief Instructor level teacher, not an assistant). He is quite notable and instrumental for a variety of reasons. Number one he was the teacher of Rev. Hawayo Takata, the lady who brought the healing art of reiki from Japan to the world, originally to her native homeland of Hawaii; and then to the US mainland and Canada. Her students then brought the art to every corner of the globe. This was unusual at the time as Rev. Takata while of Japanese heritage, was in fact not born in Japan, she was Hawaiian. This showed his flexibility and more modern way of thinking, as well as his devotion to his teacher O-Sensei Usui who intended his art to be for ALL PEOPLE, not just the Japanese. Secondly, being an educated man with some level of medical knowledge- he is often referred to as Dr. Hayashi but may in fact have had some type of military medical training given he was a Naval Officer, like a field medic, but perhaps not have attended medical school. At any rate, he was able to establish more modern style Reiki Clinics and began the use of reiki tables for the reiki sessions given at his clinics, similar to the massage tables we use today. It was at one of these clinics that Rev. Takata first received reiki and began her apprenticeship with Shihan Hayashi. He also made several other changes to the system he learned from his teacher which made it a bit easier for the “average person” to learn reiki- the use of hand positions, the more modern reiki attunement/reiju process utilizing the reiki symbols and mantra, and other changes.
He also traveled to Hawaii and stayed for quite some time to help get his student Rev. Takata established in her practice as the first Reiki Shihan outside of Japan. Last but most definitely not least, Shihan Hayashi demonstrated his ultimate dedication to his art and to compassion when he committed SEPPUKU, RITUAL SUICIDE (hara-kiri) in the manner of the Samurai of old rather than be forced into involvement in the attack on Hawaii and the United States which led to the US entry into WW2. At that time for a military officer in Japan this was the only honorable way he could refuse to be involved in the war, which of course completely violated his belief system as a Reiki Shihan dedicated to helping all people. For this ultimate sacrifice, which not only preserved his but his entire families honor and showed his great courage and dedication to Truth, he should be forever regarded as a Reiki Saint of sorts. Much great respect and low bows to Shihan Hayashi, you accomplished your Mission Sir, domo arigatou gozaimasu .
Shihan Hayashi visiting Hawaii to assist Rev. Takata get established in her reiki practice- ALOHA Style.
Shihan Hayashi in his Naval Uniform, he attained the rank of Captain.
Shihan Hayashi with his disciple, Rev. Hawayo Takata.
Shihan Chujiro Hayashi.